Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Best in Print
TThe C
ales (Hans Christian Andersen; 1874) The most famous Dan-
ish book in the world.
e Comple
plete F
e Faiiry T
y Tale
ither//Or (Søren Kierkegaard; 1843) The first great work of the father of existen-
Miss Sm
s Smilla
illa''s F
s Feelin
eling f
g for Sn
r Snow (Peter Høeg; 1992) A worldwide hit set largely in
We, th
e Drowned (Carsten Jensen; 2006) An epic tale of sailors from seafaring
Marstal on Ærø.
TThe Alm
, the D
ple (Michael Booth; 2014) Explores the myths and
stories behind the 'Nordic miracle'.
e Almost Ne
t Nearly P
rly Perfect P
t People
Best on Film
Baabette''s F
s Feast (1987) Set in a rugged west-coast village in 1871. Setting the gold
standard for food films to follow.
Pelle th
queror (1987) Award-winning depiction of the hard life of an immig-
rant in 19th-century Denmark.
Festen (The Celebration; 1998) The first of the Dogme95 movies, from celebrated
writer-director Thomas Vinterberg.
elle the C
e Conque
alian f
n for B
r Begiinners (2000) Diverse but damaged Danes learning the language of
In a B
In a Better W
rld (2010) Playground bullying, conflicting moral choices - engin-
eered to question the cosy stereotype of Denmark.
r World
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