Travel Reference
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This ceramics museum features a working studio, and watching the master artisans turn
clay into beautifully moulded works of art is the real highlight. You'll find some fetching,
locally made wares for sale in the shop in front (which is free to enter).
Nylars Rundkirke CHURCH
(Kirkevej 10K, Nylars; 7am-6pm Apr-Sep, 8am-3.30pm Oct-Mar)
Built in 1150, Nylars Rundkirke is the most well-preserved and easily accessible round
church in the Rønne area. Its central pillar is adorned with wonderful 13th-century fres-
coes, the oldest in Bornholm. The works depict scenes from the Creation myth, including
Adam and Eve's expulsion from the Garden of Eden. The cylindrical nave has three
storeys, the top one a watchman's gallery that served as a defence lookout in medieval
Inside the church, the front door is flanked by two of Bornholm's 40 rune stones; carved
memorial stones that date back to the Viking era. Nylars Rundkirke is about 8km from
Rønne, on the road to Åkirkeby, and a 15- to 20-minute trip from Rønne on bus 5 or 6;
alight at Nylars bus stop and turn north on Kirkevej for the 350m walk to the church. The
cycle path between Rønne and Åkirkeby also passes the church.
Bornholms Forsvarsmuseum
(Defence Museum; MAP GOOGLE MAP ; ; Arsenalvej 8; adult/
child Dkr55/35; 10am-4pm Tue-Sat mid-May-early Oct)
A 17th-century citadel called Kastellet houses the Forsvarsmuseum, south of the town
centre. The museum has extensive displays of guns, blades, bombs and military uniforms,
but the historical context they are given is usually scant. Some brief explanatory notes in
English are available from the ticket desk. There are especially large displays on the Nazi
occupation of the island and on the bombing of Rønne and Nexø by the Soviets at the end
of WWII.
The tourist office can book rooms (singles/doubles Dkr225/400) in private homes in
Rønne; there's no booking fee.
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