Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Why Go?
Denmark's largest island offers much more than the dazzle of Copenhagen. North of the
city lie some of the country's finest beaches, quaintest fishing villages and vainest castles.
Here you'll find Helsingør's hulking Kronborg Slot and the striking new Maritime Mu-
seum of Denmark, not to mention Hillerød's sublimely romantic Frederiksborg Slot.
West of Copenhagen awaits history-steeped Roskilde, home to a World Heritage-listed
cathedral, Scandinavia's top rock music festival and the superb Viking Ship Museum. His-
tory also comes to life at nearby Sagnlandet Lejre, an engrossing, hands-on archaeology
Further west stands the millennia-old Trelleborg ring fortress, while Zealand's southern
assets include medieval Køge, the World Heritage-listed coastline of Stevns Klint, and
Vordingborg's cutting-edge museum, Danmarks Borgcenter.
Much of Zealand is easy to get around, and (bonus!) the Copenhagen Card allows free
public transport and admission to many attractions.
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