Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
After setting the intial values of a few instance variables, the setListeners method is called. This method sets up
the event listeners for the level, which pertain to the events from each enemy that will bubble up from the enemy grid
container. These events will be dispatched after the animations are complete when an enemy is attacked or destroyed.
Much more on these events will be covered in the “Attacking the Enemies” section.
The hero instance is created in the createHero method. The class was covered already, so you know that
everything that needs to be done with it is handled within its initialization. A background graphic is next added to the
container within addBG .
Next, it's time to add the enemies. There are two types of levels. One is field and the other is called boss. Most of
the time it will be a normal field battle, which will call the populateGrid method. If the level should bring a single boss
enemy, addBoss is called instead. Both of these methods will add enemy objects to the enemyHolder container, which
is added to the game at the end of the addEnemies method. These enemy-creating functions will be covered next.
Populating the Enemies
The enemies are created on a grid. The points on this grid were hard-coded inside of the grid property. The
populateGrid will use these points when creating the enemies (see Listing 14-23).
Listing 14-23. Game.js - Adding the Enemies to the Level
p.populateGrid = function () {
var i, startPoint, enemy, point, enemyType;
var enemies = this.levelData.enemies;
var len = enemies.length;
this.enemyHolder = new createjs.Container();
this.enemyHolder.x = this.gridPos.x;
this.enemyHolder.y = this.gridPos.y;
this.enemies = [];
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
point = this.grid[i];
enemyType = enemies[i];
enemy = new game.Enemy(enemyType);
enemy.x = point.x;
enemy.y = point.y;
enemy.on('click', this.attackEnemy, this);
this.enemies[i] = enemy;
The loop runs through the number of enemies assigned to the current level. This array is retrieved from the level
data's enemies property. The enemy type, which is the string value from the current array index in the loop, is passed
into the enemy object. In the loop, the location point for each enemy is determined by the grid array. A click event
listener is then assigned to each enemy, which will fire the attackEnemy event handler. Finally, each enemy instance
is added to the enemyHolder container and pushed to the enemies array in the class. Figure 14-11 shows the enemy
grid in level 5.
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