Game Development Reference
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createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage);
function addButtons() {
var btn = new ui.SimpleButton('button 1');
var btn2 = new ui.SimpleButton('button 2');
var btn3 = new ui.SimpleButton('button 3');
btn.x = btn2.x = btn3.x = 130;
btn.y = 20;
btn2.y = btn.y + btn.height + 20;
btn3.y = btn2.y + btn2.height + 20;
You can add many more methods to this button to make it even more extensible. Figure 8-5 shows these new
buttons in action.
Figure 8-5. Three instances of SimpleButton class with custom appearance
Let's add one more addition to SimpleButton before moving on to the preloader component. Every EaselJS
display object comes with a handy method called set . To use this method, you pass in a generic object that contains
the properties and values you wish to set on the instance of the display object. You can tack onto this functionality
to create a shortcut method for creating custom buttons using SimpleButton . Add one more method after your final
method in the class (see Listing 8-11).
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