Game Development Reference
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The getScore method is the only method called from within the game. It needs three values, the first being the
type of category, such as ones or fullHouse. This determines what scoring function to call. The second is an array of the
dice values, and lastly is the button key, which is a number used in certain types of calculations.
To make things easier in certain scoring functions, the dice array is sorted so the dice are in order sequentially.
Next, the dice and btnKey properties are set so you can access them in each function.
Since you are in the scope of Scoring , this can be used to access all properties and methods that belong to it.
Next, the type parameter is used to find the appropriate function to execute. A switch statement is added to the
end the getScore function (see Listing 7-32).
Listing 7-32. A Switch Statement Is Added to Determine the Scoring Function to Run
Scoring.getScore = function (type, dice, key) {
this.dice = dice;
this. btnKey = key;
switch (type) {
case 'ones':
case 'twos':
case 'threes':
case 'fours':
case 'fives':
case 'sixes':
return this.getNumberScore();
case 'threeKind':
case 'fourKind':
return this.getKinds();
case 'small':
case 'large':
this.dice = this.uniqueArray(this.dice);
return this.getStraights();
case 'fullHouse':
return this.getFullHouse();
case 'chance':
return this.getChance();
case 'fakezee':
return this.getFakezee();
case 'bonus':
return this.getFakezee() * 2;
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