Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Under the buildScoreCard function, uncomment
btn.paused = true; (in button creating loop)
btn.alpha = 0; (fakezee button)
scoreMsg.alpha = 0;
scoreTxt.alpha = 0;
Under the buildScoreboard function, uncomment
scoreboard.alpha = 0;
Now when you run your game, you should get an empty stage, showing nothing but the background image in the
DOM element behind it (see Figure 7-10 ).
Figure 7-10. The game's sprites and containers are initially hidden and ready for a grand entrance
Now that everything is hidden, the revealGame function needs to be called to fire each revealing animation.
A series of timeouts are chained together by utilizing TweenJS. This will create a short delay before each section starts
their animations (see Listing 7-17).
Listing 7-17. Each Section Holds its Own Revealing Function
function revealGame() {
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