Biomedical Engineering Reference
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was useful for the production of safe and effective vaccin es,
fulfilling the approval requireme nts of the regulatory system
[94]. Re cently, Pfiz er has acqui red the exclusive wor ldwide
licensing rights to com mercial ize Protalix BioTher apeutics
Inc.'s taligluc erase alfa, a plant cell expressed form of
glucocer ebrosida se for the treatme nt of Gaucher 's dise ase
(www.protal This drug is produc ed in a cont ained
disposable bioreac tor system with suspensi on-cu ltured car-
rot cells and is optimisti cally predi cted to receive FDA
approval, mak ing it the first plant- made pharmac eutica l
[95]. A recent press release announc ed that Bayer started
a clinical Phase I study wi th pers onalized vaccines from
tobacco plan ts, produced with the magnICO N 1 system [96],
for treatme nt of non-Hodgk in' s lymphom a. 1
The com bination of plan t-based expression and the ELP-
fusion techno logy repr esents an auspi cious chanc e to solve
aforement ioned challenges of traditi onal protein produc tion
systems. Alread y 14 years ago, first attempts were under-
taken to use plan t-based expressio n systems for the produc -
tion of the b ioelastic polymer wi th 121 repeats of the amino
acid seque nce Gly-Val-Gly- Val-Pro either in cultured cells
of tobacco [97] or in stable nucl ear transge nic tobacco plan ts
[98]. Despite a marginal accumulat ion of polymer protein
(0.01- 0.05% of total soluble protei n, TSP), (Gly-Val-Gly -
Val-Pro) 121 was pu rified usin g the temperat ure-depe ndent
aggregation, but only a portion of polymer prot eins
from bacterial production syst ems to eukar yotic expression
system s. Furth ermore, biocomp atibility of spid er silk ela stin
was demon strated by growth of anchorage -depe ndent mam-
malian cells (CHO K1, human chondro cytes) on SO1-
100xEL P coated cultur e plates compare d to conventional
coating s [100]. ELPylated SO1 was used for the prepa ration
of laye rs and foils, whi ch were more elastic and harde r than
therm oplastic polym ers currently used for industria l appli-
cations [102,1 03]. A second spider silk protei n, the native
major amp ullate spidroin protei n 2 (MaS p2) from Nephila
clavipe s was also fused to an ELP part consist ing of 27
repeats of Val-P ro-Gly-Xaa -Gly and expresse d in toba cco.
Despite a reported 60-fo ld higher level of reco mbinant
protei n in transge nic plan ts, the act ual accumul ation was
about 0.0125% TSP for MaSp2 and 0.75% TSP for MaSp2-
ELP, respect ively [104].
The un expecte d enhanc ement in reco mbinant protein
yield due to the C-te rminal ELP part was further confirm ed
for seed-pro duced single-cha in Fv (scFv ) ELP fusions. Here,
the ELP-fus ion strategy resulted in a 40-fold increas e in
scFv accumul ation with levels appro aching 25 % of total
soluble seed protein [105] . Plant seeds are partic ularly
attract ive for the produc tion of recombinan t antibodi es
becau se they remain stab le and functional even if matur e
seeds are stored at ambien t temperat ure for several year s
[106,1 07]. The scFv- ELP fusi ons from tobacco seeds exhibit
similar binding behavior to the correspo nding unfused anti-
bodies indicati ng that ELP do es not abrogate antigen bind-
ing [105] . A similar appro ach was desi gned by Joens uu and
collea gues to produc e scFvs agai nst the foot-and-m outh
disease virus (FMDV) in N. tabacu m as ELP-fus ion protei ns
with 28 repeats of the pent apeptid e Val-Pro-Gly- Val-Gly
[108]. Furtherm ore, a toba cco etch virus (TEV ) cleavage
side was include d between the scFv and the ELP part for the
removal of the ELP tag. The highe st scFv accumul ation level
was 0.08% TSP (transien t expressi on) and 0.8% TSP for
stable expression, resp ectively. The ITC process in combi-
nation with StrepII affini ty chromatogr aphy was used to
purify 1.5mg recombinant scFv-ELP fusions from 660mg
leaf material. After overnight cleavage the ELP part and the
protease were removed by sepharose capture using the His-
tag on the TEV protease and the StrepII-tag on the ELP. The
binding of purified scFv proteins prior to and after ELP
removal to FMDV was investigated and a higher binding of
scFv without ELP was observed [108].
The reputation of ELP tags have been increased due to
their salt- and temperature-dependent phase transition,
which can be used for nonchromatographic separation of
recombinant proteins, a significantly increase in the accu-
mulation of the fusion protein and their biocompatibility.
Therefore, the ELP-fusion strategy is a promising approach
for the in planta production of various pharmaceutical
proteins. Among the plant-based production of ELPylated
antibodies or antibody derivatives, vaccines and other proteins
0.003-0.0 3% o f TSP) was extractabl e resulting in a yield
between 0.5 and 5 m g of polymer p rotein from 1 g of fresh
weight of leaf tissue [98] . Th e unexpected low level o f
production was explained on the one side with the proka ry-
otic-pref erred polymer and on the othe r side with the
availabil ity of the amino acids glyc ine, valine, or proline
[98]. To overco me this problem , (Gly-Val-Gly-Val-Pro) 121
was expressed in chloroplast s du e to the pres ence of certain
amino aci d pools . Des pite of the presence of higher polymer
transcrip t levels in transplastom ic plants, the protei n expres-
sion was quite low, which was justifi ed with glycine as the
limiting factor for productio n in chlo roplasts [99].
In 2004, the traditi onal ELP-fus ion strategy from Meyer
and Chilkoti was transferr ed to the plant biotech nology field
to produc e spid er silk elastin in the endoplasm ic reticulum
(ER) of tra nsgenic tobacco and potato plants, and further-
more to purify the reco mbinant protei n by a simpl e method
using heat treat ment and ITC (Fig ure 14.4A ) [100] . Gen er-
ated transge nic plants accumul ated recombinan t synthet ic
spider silk protein SO1 [101] fuse d with the ela stic bio-
polymer 100xELP from 0.5% up to 4% of TSP. Unexpect-
edly, fusi on of SO1 with 100xEL P resu lted in a twofold
increase in the accumulat ion level com pared to the naked
SO1 protei n (0.5-2% [101]. This was the first report on the
successf ul purificatio n of reco mbinant ELP-fus ion proteins
from crude leaf extracts and confirm ed the port ability o f ITC
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