Graphics Programs Reference
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2. Drag an instance of the Cloud1 symbol from the Symbols panel to the left of “The
PLURALIST” text. See the figure for placement.
Next, you will learn how to add more instances of a symbol that's already on the artboard,
using a modifier key.
3. Press the Option key (Mac OS) or Alt key (Windows) and drag the Cloud1 symbol
instance on the artboard to create a copy of the instance. Drag it to the right of
“The PLURALIST” text. When the new instance is in position (see the figure), re-
lease the mouse button, and then release the modifier key.
4. Create four more copies by pressing the Option (Mac OS) or Alt (Windows) key
and dragging either of the Cloud1 symbol instances. Drag them around the map.
You can see where we dragged them in the figure.
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