Graphics Programs Reference
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5. Select the Type tool ( ) in the Tools panel. Position the cursor over the text
“PARFUM,” and double-click the text to select it. Type Pencil .
6. Choose View > Preview, and then press the Escape key twice to exit Isolation
7. Choose View > Fit Artboard In Window.
Notice that the symbol instance on the left side of the tall box has updated.
8. Choose Select > Deselect (if necessary), and then choose File > Save.
Grouping content in perspective
Grouping content on the grid allows you to combine several objects into a group so that the
objects are treated as a single unit, much like groups that are not in perspective. Next, you
are going to group content, and then apply a drop shadow.
1. Select the Perspective Selection tool ( ), and position the pointer off of the
lower-right corner of the shorter box. Drag a marquee selection across the right
side, left side, and top of the shorter box.
2. Choose Object > Group.
By grouping content that is on the perspective grid, you release it from the grid.
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