Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
7. With the Selection tool, click the smaller of the white paths (the path on the right)
that you just applied the brush to. Change the Stroke color to a light gray in the
Control panel (we chose the color with the tool tip values C=0, M=0, Y=0, K=10).
8. Choose Select > Deselect, and then choose File > Save.
Drawing with the Paintbrush tool
As mentioned earlier, the Paintbrush tool allows you to apply a brush as you paint. Painting
with the Paintbrush tool creates vector paths that you can edit with the Paintbrush tool or
other drawing tools. Next, you'll use the Paintbrush tool to paint waves in the water with a
calligraphic brush from a default brush library.
Your waves may not look identical to what you see in the lesson, and that's okay— just have
some fun .
1. With the Selection tool (
), click the darker blue water shape below the ship.
2. Choose Select > Deselect.
The water shape is on a sublayer behind the ship. Selecting the water shape selects
that sublayer in the Layers panel, which means that all of the waves you draw will
also be on the same sublayer as the water shape.
3. Select the Paintbrush tool (
) in the Tools panel.
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