Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Now that the artwork is complete, you may want to combine all the layers into a
single layer, and then delete the empty layers. This is called flattening artwork. De-
livering finished artwork in a single-layer file can prevent accidents, such as hiding
layers or omitting parts of the artwork during printing. To flatten specific layers
without deleting hidden layers, you can select the layers you want to flatten, and
then choose Merge Selected from the Layers panel menu.
For a complete list of shortcuts that you can use with the Layers panel, see
“Keyboard shortcuts” in Illustrator Help (Help > Illustrator Help).
17. Choose File > Save, and then choose File > Close.
Review questions
1 . Name at least two benefits of using layers when creating artwork.
2 . How do you hide layers? How do you show individual layers?
3 . Describe how to reorder layers in a file.
4 . What is the purpose of changing the color for a layer?
5 . What happens if you paste a layered file into another file? Why is the “Paste Re-
members Layers” option useful?
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