Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Clicking the target icon also selects the object(s) on the artboard. You
could simply select the content on the artboard to apply an effect.
Clicking the target icon indicates that you want to apply an effect, style, or trans-
parency change to that layer, sublayer, group, or object. In other words, the layer,
sublayer, group, or object is targeted . The content is also selected in the Document
window. When the target button appears as a double-ring icon (either
the item is targeted; a single-ring icon indicates that the item is not targeted.
2. Click the Opacity link in the Control panel to show the Transparency panel.
Choose Overlay from the Blending Mode menu, which shows as Normal by de-
For the print1 layer, the target icon ( ) is now shaded, indicating that the layer
has at least one appearance attribute (a blending mode) applied to it.
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