Graphics Programs Reference
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You can also press the arrow keys to nudge an anchor point in a direction.
Pressing and holding down the Shift key and then pressing an arrow key
moves the point ten times farther than pressing the arrow key without the
modifier key.
8. Click the Layers panel icon (
) to show the Layers panel. Click the eye icon (
to the left of the layer named “template” to hide its contents. Click the Layers pan-
el tab to hide the panel.
The template layer was showing again after you chose View > Ice Cream
because the visibility of layers is remembered when the view is saved.
9. With the Direct Selection tool, position the pointer over the path, like you see in
the figure. Notice that the pointer changes appearance ( ). This indicates that you
can drag the path, which will adjust the anchor points as you drag. Drag the path
up and to the left to make the curve a little more rounded. As you drag the path,
notice that the direction handles are changing as well. This is an easy way to make
edits to a path.
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