Biomedical Engineering Reference
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3-D cell encapsulation are under development. These approaches are working toward the enable-
ment of the TEC to not only have a controlled spatial distribution of cells and growth factors, but
also possess a versatility of scaffold material and microstructure within a specifi cally designed and
fabricated construct for implantation in an intended anatomical site.
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10. Hutmacher DW. Scaffolds in tissue engineering bone and cartilage. Biomaterials 2000; 21(24):
11. Hutmacher DW, Sittinger M, Risbud MV. Scaffold-based tissue engineering: rationale for computer-
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12. Moroni L, de Wijn JR, van Blitterswijk CA. 3D fi ber-deposited scaffolds for tissue engineering: infl u-
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13. Mondrinos MJ, Dembzynski R, Lu L, Byrapogu KC, Wootton DM, Lelkes PI, Zhou J. Porogen-based
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14. Zein I, Hutmacher DW, Tan KC, Teoh SH. Fused deposition modeling of novel scaffold architectures for
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15. Lam CXF, Teoh SH, Hutmacher DW, Comparison of Degradation of PCL & PCL-TCP Scaffolds in
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16. Woodfi eld TB, Bezemer JM, Pieper JS, van Blitterswijk CA, Riesle J. Scaffolds for tissue engineering
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17. Hollister SJ. Porous scaffold design for tissue engineering. Nat Mater 2005; 4(7): 518-524.
18. Gibson LJ, Ashby MF. Cellular Solids: Structure and Properties. 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press,
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19. American Standard for Testing and Methods ASTM D883-99, Standard Terminology Relating to
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20. Zhou Y, Chen F, Ho ST, Woodruff MA, Lim TM, Hutmacher DW. Combined marrow stromal cell sheet
techniques and high strength biodegradable composite scaffolds for engineered functional bone grafts.
Biomaterials 2007; 28(5): 814-824.
21. Ho ST, Hutmacher DW. A comparison of micro CT with other techniques used in the characterization
of scaffolds. Biomaterials 2006; 27(8): 1362-1376.
22. Lewis JA, Gratson GM. Mater Today 2004; 7: 32.
23. Wiria FE, Leong KF, Chua CK, Liu Y. Polycaprolactone/hydroxyapatite for tissue engineering scaffold
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24. Antonov EN, Bagratashvilli VN, Whittaker MJ, Barry JJA, Shakesheff KM, Konovalov AN, Popov
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