Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
FIGURE 16.11 Concept of a steerable catheter equipped with conducting polymer actuators providing bend-
ing motions toward different directions. (Adapted from [105]).
FIGURE 16.12 Prototype sample of a cylindrical tubing with multidirectional bending properties developed
by EAMEX. (Adapted from [105].)
The previous paragraphs have provided an overview on ionic EAP. As an example of electronic-type
EAP, this paragraph briefl y reports the main actuation features of dielectric elastomers. The interest
for these materials arises from the fact that, within the overall EAP family, dielectric elastomers form
at present one of the most performing subcategories in terms of output electromechanical proper-
ties. These materials consist of dielectric polymers with a low elastic modulus, which can present
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