Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Glass condensor
encasi ng syringe
with po lymer
Collection screen
Syringe pump
Power supply
Circulating hot
FIGURE 5.9 (a) Setup of electrospinning of polymeric materials from the melt. Basic system consists of a
syringe pump, a high-voltage power supply, and a heating circulator to facilitate melting and maintenance of
high temperature for the polymer (A and B). The collected melt electrospun fi bers are shown in (C). Insert in
C shows a higher magnifi cation of the melt-spun fi bers. (b) Direct in vitro melt electrospinning of PCL-PEG
block copolymer onto bone marrow cells pre-seeded on PCL/Col nanofi ber mesh. (A) Live-death assay using
FDA-PI revealed relatively good viability of the cells after 1 week of culturing post-spinning. (B) Electron
micrograph after 1 week culturing post-spinning showing a cell attaching to both PCL/Col nanofi ber substrate
and melt-spun PCL-PEG.
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