Biomedical Engineering Reference
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24. Tuzlakoglu K, Bolgen N, Salgado AJ, Gomes ME, Piskin E, Reis RL. Nano- and micro-fi ber com-
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27. Lysaght MJ, Hazlehurst AL. Tissue engineering: the end of the beginning. Tissue Eng . 10, 309, 2004.
28. Hunziker EB. Commentary. Osteoarthr. Cartilage 10, 432, 2002.
29. Yang S, Leong K, Zhoahui D, Chua C. The design of scaffolds for use in tissue engineering part II.
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30. Leong KF, Cheah CM, Chua CK. Solid freeform fabrication of three-dimensional scaffolds for engi-
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