Biology Reference
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Add 0.1 mg of FITC to 1 mL of labeling buffer. Immediately add the cold FITC
solution dropwise until the final molar ratio of FITC to protein is 5:1 and incu-
bate overnight at 4
C with gentle rotation.
Remove unconjugated FITC by exhaustive dialysis against deionized water at
C ( see Note 2 ) and freeze-dry to constant mass.
3.1.2. Hyaluronan Labeling
C with gentle
stirring. Add 0.2 mL of CNBr solution (10 mg/ml in H 2 O, make up just before
use, caution—toxic and hazardous ) and leave for 5 min ( see Note 3 ).
Dissolve 2 mg of HA in 1 mL of deionized water for 48 h at 4
Isolate activated HA using 2 x Hi-Trap columns (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden)
in series, elute with 0.2 M borate buffer and collect 1 mL fractions. Add 2 mg of
fluoresceinamine (FA) to the activated GAG (fractions 4 - 6) and incubate over-
night at 4
C with gentle rotation.
Remove salt and free FA by ultrafiltration at 4
C (Centriplus, Amicon, centri-
fuge 3000 g , 10
washes with 10 mL H 2 O) and freeze-dry to constant mass.
Alternatively, free FA and salt may be removed by exhaustive dialysis, although
this takes considerably longer, especially for viscous hyaluronan solutions.
3.1.3. Preparation of Samples for Confocal FRAP Analysis
Fluoresceine concentration in final solutions for analysis should be kept
below 1 m M to avoid fluorescence self quenching effects. For solution studies
below 10 m M ionic strength, or below pH 6.0, the fluorescence signal is greatly
reduced, thus producing noisy data at low concentrations. More heavily labeled
material may then be necessary (20) .
Before using labeled samples, it is advisable to check for the presence of
unconjugated fluorescein. Load 0.2 mg sample in 0.5 mL on a Hi-Trap column,
elute with PBS, and take 1-mL fractions. No fluorescence should be evident after
fraction 4 ( see Note 4 ).
Make up solutions of labeled or unlabeled matrix macromolecules by weight and
equilibrate at 4
C for 48 h. In tracer studies, add FITC-labeled globular protein
probes (e.g., FITC-bovine serum albumin and FITC-soy bean trypsin inhibitor),
or polymer probes (e.g., FITC-dextrans) at <0.1 mg/ml and equilibrate for a fur-
ther 24 h at 4
L of sample onto a cavity slide and seal under a 20-mm diameter circu-
lar coverslip using nail varnish. Allow 10 min to dry ( Fig. 3 ).
4. Place sealed cavity slide on thermally regulated microscope stage and allow
15 min to reach thermal equilibrium. Care should be taken to avoid condensation
in low temperature studies.
Pipet 30
Adjust the microscope stage height so the objective focal plane is midway
between the coverslip and the lower interface between the solution and the slide,
this is usually ~120
m below the coverslip.
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