Biology Reference
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Place the chamber in a humidified chamber at 37
C until you are ready to put the
cells in ( see Note 14 ).
Remove the cell suspension from the Petri dishes and centrifuge at 240 g for 5 min
( see also Note 7 ).
Remove supernatant and resuspend the cells in growth medium.
Triturate the cells for 30 s, rest for 30 s, and retriturate, repeating this three times
( see Note 15 ).
Take a small aliquot and count the cells.
Dilute the cells to achieve 35-40,000 cells per 50
L, and add any test solution to
the cells.
Pipet 50
L cells into each of the wells in the upper plate, taking care to avoid any
bubbles forming on the top of the filter ( see Note 16 ).
Replace in the humidified chamber, at 37
C, for the requisite period of time, 8 or
16 h ( see Note 17 ).
At the completion of the experiment, carefully remove the thumb nuts, lift the
top plate off the chamber, and using forceps place the filter in 100% methanol for
2 min to fix the cells ( see Notes 18-20 ).
Stain with eosin for 2 min.
Stain with haemotoxylin for 1 min.
Rinse in distilled water, then differentiate the stain in tap water for 10-20 s, then
rinse in distilled water.
Place the filter shiny side down on a clean microscope slide taking care to avoid
the filter folding during handling ( see Note 21 ).
Wipe the unmigrated cells off the top of the filter using a wet cotton bud ( see
Note 22 ).
Dry the filter using a dry cotton bud or a tissue.
Mount on DePex.
Count the cells using a light microscope ( see Notes 23 and 24 ).
3.2. Agarose Drop Migration Assay
For the purposes of this description the cell type in use is the oligodendro-
cyte precursor cell, for which the growth medium would be Sato's modifica-
tion of DMEM (7) .
Make a solution of 1% agarose, for example, 50 mg of agarose in 5 mL of PBS,
and dissolve in a microwave oven. When dissolving agarose, you need to micro-
wave it for a few short periods of time, making sure that you do not overheat the
mixture, and mix between each period of heating. Once the agarose is fully dis-
solved, the tube can be placed in a 37
C water bath to prevent premature gelling
of the agarose ( see Note 25 ).
Make up the working solutions for resuspending the cells, e.g., Sato's medium
plus 10% FBS, for rat oligodendrocyte precursor cells or horse serum (HS), for
mouse oligodendrocyte precursor cells, and warm to 37
C in the water bath prior
to the experiment.
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