Biology Reference
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35 S-cysteine per mL labeling media immediately prior to use (NEN Life Science
Products, Boston, MA).
as above), 3 m M
-glycerophosphate (use 100X stock as above). Add 100
Lysis buffer: to 500 mL PBS, pH 7.4 add 5 mL Triton-X-100. Filter sterilize and
store at 4
50 m M ammonium acetate pH 9.0: dissolve 1.93 g ammonium acetate in 500 mL
distilled water. Adjust pH to 9.0 using glacial acetic acid. Filter sterilize and
store at 4
2.2. Analysis of Release of LTBP1 and TGF
from 35 S-Labeled ECM by Avian Osteoclast Cells
Avian osteoclast culture medium: To 500 mL
-MEM (Gibco) add 1.1 g NaHCO 3
(if medium is not provided with NaHCO 3 ), 5% heat-inactivated FCS, 5% heat-
inactivated chicken serum (CS) (serum lots are individually checked from sev-
eral suppliers; heat-inactivate by heating serum to 56
C for 30 min), 2 m M LG
(use 100X stock as above) and 100 U/mL P/S (use 100X stock as above). Add
-D-arabino-furanoside fresh to the medium on the day of use
(make a 1 mg/mL stock in PBS, filter sterilize and store for up to 1 wk protected
from light at 4
g/mL cytosine-
C). For reduced serum avian osteoclast culture media, reduce
serum to 2.5% FCS and 2.5% CS.
Vitamin D 3 solution: 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D 3 (BioMol Research Labs, Ply-
mouth Meeting, PA) is diluted to give a 10 -3 M stock in 95% ethanol. This stock
is extremely light sensitive and should be stored at -20
C under argon in a light-
protected vial. The 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D 3 is added to avian osteoclast cul-
ture media to give 10 -7 to 10 -8 M . The stock solution should be diluted
immediately before use and this should be done under reduced lighting condi-
tions. This reagent is not very stable in aqueous solution and any unused diluted
solutions should be discarded.
Protease inhibitors: (Boehringer-Mannheim Corp, Indianapolis, IN) (a) aprotinin-
make a 10-mg/mL stock in distilled water (stable for 6 mo stored at -20
C in
aliquots), add to samples to give a final concentration of 10
g/mL, (b) leupeptin-
make a 2-m M stock in distilled water (0.95 mg/mL) (stable for 1 mo stored at
M , (c)
pepstatin- make a 1 m M stock in methanol (0.686 mg/mL) (stable for 1 mo
stored at -20
C in aliquots) add to samples to give a final concentration of 2
C in aliquots) add to samples to give a final concentration
M , (d) prefabloc (AEBSF)- make a 100-m M stock in distilled water
(23.95 mg/mL) (stable for 1 mo stored at -20
of 1
C in aliquots) add to samples to
give a final concentration of 2 m M .
2.3. Immunoprecipitation
1 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.0: dissolve 60.55 g Tris in 400 mL distilled water. Adjust pH
to 8.0 using concentrated HCl. Bring volume to 500 mL.
-glucopyranoside, 3 m M MgCl 2 , 3 m M
CaCl 2 , 150 m M NaCl, 10 m M Tris-HCl, pH 8.0). For preparation of 500 mL; add
Plasmin digestion buffer: (0.1% 1-o- n -octyl-
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