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sary to screen many colonies to find a clone containing a correct insert. Usually,
smaller colonies had a higher probability of maintaining a desirable insert. Other
E. coli strains, which are deficient in recombination, UV repair and SOS repair
(SURE cells) may be used in order to stabilize the insert.
For the Tet-off system, Tc or Dox needs to be maintained throughout transfection
and infection. The presence of Tc does not interfere with transfection or infec-
tion. In order to investigate gene regulation by Tc , infected cells can be split into
two plates and maintained in the absence and presence of Tc .
Virus containing supernatant can be frozen at -80
C for later infection, although
viral titer is decreased to 50% when the virus is frozen and thawed.
Retroviral titers vary widely depending upon different retroviral vector and pack-
aging cells. In general, constitutive vectors are likely to yield a high-titer virus
(10 6 infectious particles/mL) in comparison to a self-inactivating or a Tc-regulat-
able vector (10 4 infectious particles/mL). In order to avoid multiple infections,
which increase the number of integration events per cell, transduction is usually
performed at the multiplicity of infection of 0.1 (for example, 10 4 infectious
particles per 10 5 cells). This condition is likely to yield one viral integration
per genome.
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3. Miller. A. D. and Chen. F. (1996) Retrovirus packaging cells based on 10A1
murine leukemia virus for production of vectors that use multiple receptors for
cell entry. J. Virol. 70, 5564-5571.
4. Warren, S. P., Nolan, G. P., Scott, M. L., and Baltimore, D. (1993) Production of
high-titer helper-free retroviruses by transient transfection. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
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5. Kinsella, T. M. and Nolan, G. P. (1996) Episomal vectors rapidly and stably pro-
duce high-titer recombinant retrovirus. Hum. Gene Ther. 7, 1405-1413.
6. Yu, S. F., Ruden, T., Kantoff, P. W. Garber, C. Seiberg, M., Ruther, U., et al.
(1986) Self-inactivating retroviral vectors designed for transfer of whole genes
into mammalian cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 3194-3198.
7. Deng, H., Lin, Q., and Khavari, P. A. (1997) Sustainable cutaneous gene delivery.
Nature Biotech. 15, 1388-1391.
8. Hoeben R. C., Migchielisen, A. A., van der Jagt, R. C., van Ormondt, H., and van
der Eb, A. J. (1991) Inactivation of the Molony murine leukemia virus long termi-
nal repeat in murine fibroblast cell lines is associated methylation and dependent
on its chromosomal position. J. Virol. 65, 904-912.
9. Yarranton, G. T. (1992) Inducible vectors for expression in mammalian cells.
Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 3, 506-511.
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