Biology Reference
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Fig. 1. Six percent PAGE-analysis of PCR amplified COMP cDNA. Total RNA
was isolated from a skin fibroblast cell line established from a patient with pseudo-
achondroplasia and reverse transcribed into cDNA with both oligo-dt and pd(N) 6
primers as described. Lane 1, COMP C-terminal domain cDNA PCR-amplified by
primers HCt-F and HCt-R (702 bp). Lane 2, COMP Type III repeat domain cDNA
PCR-amplified by primers HT3-F and HT3-R (789 bp). M, molecular weight marker.
A white arrow indicates a putative heteroduplex. Sequence analysis of clones
confirmed that this patient was heterozygous for a COMP gene mutation.
a. 94
C for 1 min (template denaturation).
b. 55
C for 1 min (primer annealing).
c. 72
C for 1 min (template elongation).
After cycle is complete, remove 15
L of DNA loading
buffer and analyze on a 6% polyacrylamide gel in 1X TBE buffer ( see Note 3 ).
Stain the gel with ethidium bromide (10
L of PCR product, add 5
g/mL) and view DNA with an UV
transilluminator ( Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 ).
3.2.2. SSCP Analysis of Genomic DNA Amplified by PCR
Remove 2
L of PCR product to a fresh tube, add 10
L of denaturing DNA
loading buffer and heat samples to 95
C for 2 min. Place denatured DNA on ice
for 2 min.
Load sample onto a 6% polyacrylamide gel precooled to 4
C and run at 300 V for
3-4 h ( see Note 4 ).
After the run is complete, separate the plates gently, remove the gel, and place in
500 mL of gel-fixative solution for 20 min.
Wash the gel twice in dH 2 O for 5 min.
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