Biology Reference
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Fig. 5. Place the freshly cleaved mica sheet (A) within a clean ricochet cylinder (B)
and below a mask (C) which shields the mica from direct carbon evaporation. Carbon
rods ( D and E ), held in contact by a spring during the evaporation, are positioned
1.5 cm above the mask.
3.3. Preparation of Carbon-Coated EM Grids
Prepare thin carbon films by thermally evaporating a 1-mm long, 0.8-mm diam-
eter spindle from a carbon rod using the geometry shown in Fig. 5 ( see Note 5 ).
Using a clean ricochet cylinder (6) , evaporate the carbon onto a freshly cleaved
sheet of mica ( Fig. 5 ) ( see Note 6 ). The film thickness should lie within the range
2.0-3.0 nm (7) . Film thickness may be determined using a film thickness moni-
tor, assuming a carbon density of 1.9 g/cm 3 ( see Note 7 ).
Incubate the carbon-coated mica in a humid atmosphere overnight to facilitate
separation of the film.
Using watchmakers forceps, carefully space the EM grids 1-2 mm apart on the
carbon film.
Using the forceps, slowly slide the mica at angle of 10-20
into a reservoir of
ultrapure water. The carbon film should detach from the mica and remain intact
on the surface of the water.
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