Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2.5 South Caspian Depression. Hydrochemical profiles over the crests of
Apsheron Archipelago local structures.
KS formations (Kala, Zyrya, Yuzhnaya and some other fields). A clear
idea of placement of the various hydrochemical types and salinity in
the type sections of the South Caspian Depression fields is provided by
Figs. 2.4-2.7.
Following are the typical features of water distribution in the section
and over the area of the region's local structures:
t Drastic salinity decline down the section accompanied by
hard water changing to the alkaline; water salinity and hard-
ness increase (and among the alkaline waters, decline in the
primary alkalinity) from the structures' crestal areas toward
the flanks and plunges;
t Continuous increase in the alkaline water distribution areals
down the section from the line of the hydrochemical type
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