Geology Reference
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Figure 8.1 South Caspian Depression. Per-unit volume oil-saturation vs. Ground water
primary alkalinity (secondary salinity) 1. Horizon V, Balakhany Fm. (Upper Group
of Productive Sequence), 2. Horizon VII (“Pereryv” or “Hiatus” Fm.), 3. NKP Fm.,
4. KS Fm., 5, PK Fm., 6. KaS Fm., 7. Horizon of Productive Sequence in Lower Kura
Depression. I. Denuded high group, II. Uneroded syndepositional structure group. Fields
and prospects: 1.  Balakhany-Sabunchi-Ramany, 2. Binagady, 3. Darwin Bank, 4. Artem Isl.,
5. Gyurgyany-More, 6. Zhiloy Isl., 7. Gryazevaya Sopka, 8. Neftyanyye Kamni (SW
flank), 9. Neftyanyye Kamni (NE flank), 10. Apsheron Bank, 11. Grigorenko Stone,
12.  Atashkya, 13. Surakhany, 14. Karachukhur, 15. Zykh, 16. Buzovny-Mashtagi, 17. Kala,
18. Bibieybat, 19. Lokbatan (east plunge), 20. Lokbatan-Puta (north flank), 21. Lokbatan-
Puta (south flank), 22.  Kushkhana, 23. Karadag, 24. Zyrya, 25. Yuzhnaya, 26. Kyurovdag,
27.  Karabagly, 28. Kyursangya.
For accumulations in contact with hard waters, the secondary salinity fac-
tor S 2 1 was used.
Figure 8.1 includes data on the accumulations of the Upper and Lower
groups of the Productive Sequence in the Apsheron and Lower Kura oil
1 The selection of the stated ground water chemical composition parameters is
based on the clearly inverse correlation in the subject region between the water
alkalinity and its salinity. The most alkaline water is usually the least saline. For the
hard water, the correlation of secondary salinity and salinity has the opposite sign.
It is typical, however, that in all areas waters of similar composition have approxi-
mately equal salinity. Thus, the use of the primary alkalinity factor (secondary
salinity) means at the same time an indirect involvement into correlation of the
ground water salinity. I.e., in effect both major parameters of the water medium
are participating.
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