Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Deniz, Garasu fields in the Baku Archipelago) at a depth of 5 km are at the
PC-B stage (Dmitriyeva et al ., 1981).
Our calculations indicate that the following scenarios exist in differ-
ent complexes of the South-Caspian Basin at the present-day evolutionary
a. The Mesozoic Complex, having thickness of 4.5 to 11 km
and the top/base temperatures of 167/424
C, generates
mostly the high-temperature methane, CO 2 and N 2 .
b. The Paleogene-Miocene Complex, having thickness of 2.5
to 5 km and the top/base temperatures of 76/237
C, gener-
ates oil, wet gas, condensate and, partly, the late-catagenetic
c. The Pliocene-Quaternary Complex generates mostly the
early-catagenetic methane and small amounts of the oil of
the early-generation.
The following stratigraphic position and depth of hydrocarbon-gener-
ating zones may be characteristic of individual regions depending on their
temperature regime:
a. Early-catagenetic methane generation (substage PC , tem-
perature of 20-60
C): Quaternary - PS/RBS at depths of 0.06
to 2.6 km.
b. Oil generation (grade MC 1 -MC 3 ; temperature of 60-135
the oil window is at MC 2 at temperature of 80-115
C): PS/
RBS - Miocene at depths of 2.6 to 5.5 km.
c. Wet gas and condensate generation (grade MC 4 -AC 2 ; tem-
perature of 135-210
C): Oligocene - Upper Cretaceous at
depths of 5.3 to 10.9 km.
d. Late-catagenetic methane generation (grade AC 3 -AC 4 ; tem-
perature of 210-300
C): Eocene - Middle Jurassic at depths
of 8 to 17 km.
e. Dry and sour gas generation (stage MG ; temperature
>300oC): Lower Cretaceous-Middle Jurassic at depths of
13.4 to 21.5 km.
Consideration of the basin's subsidence rate requires significant cor-
rections to the estimates of the hydrocarbon generation potential of
rocks. This will modify the existing estimate of hydrocarbon-generating
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