Geology Reference
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t Drastic decline in permeability and fracturing in the car-
bonate reservoirs down the regional slope and within the
inter-structural zones (Yermolayev, Kotov and Rogoshin,
1960; Kotov, 1963; Kucheruk and Ozerny, 1987).
t Common development of the low-salinity high-alkalinity
ground water in all Mesozoic intervals. That cannot be sup-
ported by the areal extent of its exposures, by the conductive
cross-section and reservoir properties of the enclosing res-
ervoirs under the artesian system.
t The existing spatial hydrochemical zoning, which is the
development in all complexes of highest salinity and meta-
morphism formation solutions over the flank areas of the
trough (Chapter 2).
t Practical coincidence of charge and discharge areas: the
association of erosion and river (Ubinka, Afips, Shebsh,
Khovchay, Sups, Psekups, Solenaya, Kuban and other riv-
ers) drainages and numerous high-rate ascending thermal
sources with relatively narrow faulted band in the piedmont
zone directly in front of the Parpach-Akhtyr deep-seated
fault (Sukharev and Miroshnikov, 1963; Sukharev, 1979).
t Significant formation pressure abnormality in the Mesozoic
natural reservoirs. It is not supported by the elevation of the
reservoir exposures (hydrostatic head; Chapter 3).
On the other hand, the manifestations of clearly meteoric waters in the
Pliocene complex on a number of eroded denuded highs suggest wide
development of infiltrated feeding in the uppermost intervals of the
sediment cover (to a depth of 200-500 m). The meteoric water penetra-
tion in the reservoir beds and members there occurs mostly on the local
Thus, trough's tectonic features, lithofacies and permeability of its sec-
tion combine with the areal geobaric zoning to determine low likelihood of
any substantial participation of the elision mechanism in trough's sedimen-
tary section. (The geobaric zoning includes maximum formation pressure
abnormality on the south flank structures, its decline down the regional
dip and the horizontal ground water head gradients directed oppositely
to the lateral flow: see Chapter 3). It is emphasized by the impossibility for
the squeezed-out fluid volumes from a rock unit volume per unit time to
provide for the flow directed up the regional dip (Section 5.3.1).
We suggest that the present-day hydrodynamic environment in trough's
sediment cover formed under the prevailing influence of interformational
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