Geology Reference
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t AHFP in water horizons at elevations much exceeding the
exposure elevations of the corresponding intervals in the
t Regional waterhead decline toward the folded mountain
area (Kolody, 1983).
The Indolo-Kuban Trough
Various, sometimes diametrically opposite concepts were published regard-
ing the present-day ground water dynamics of the region. Gordievich,
Kortsenshtein, Sukharev, Kotov, Matvienko and Rogozhin considered
the present-day meteoric water infiltration in folded mountains of the
Mountainous Crimea and Caucasus Major to be a definitive influence on
the hydrodynamics of the Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, Upper Cretaceous,
Paleocene-Lower Eocene and Neogene complexes. I.e., they assume the
existence and active functioning in the region of a typical artesian system.
Tverdilov, Yakovlev, Kartsev and Kolody believe that the Jurassic, Lower
Cretaceous, Upper Eocene (Kuma) and Oligocene-Lower - Miocene
(Maikopian) complexes over most of the trough area are under the eli-
sion regime with the infiltration charge involving only limited areas in the
piedmont and the adjacent territories. Formation temperatures in the basal
water complexes of the sediment section exceed 200° С . Kolody (1983) sug-
gests existence there of the thermohydrodynamic waterhead system caus-
ing piezo- and geothermal anomalies in the overlying elision systems.
These writers believe the leading role of the present-day infiltration in
the formation of hydrodynamic regime in the region's sedimentary section
to be unrealistic. It is refuted by:
t The regional hydrodynamic barrier (Parpach-Akhtyr deep-
seated fault). It isolates the hypothetical meteoric charge
area in the mountains from most of the trough.
t The step-block structure where the regional high-amplitude
lengthwise (Novotitarev-North Kerch, Anastasiyev and
Parpach-Akhtyr) and crosswise (Kurdjip, Tsitsin, Afip,
Gelendzhik, East Crimean, Dzhigin, Marfov, West-Kerch)
barrier faults (Figure 1.10) put water reservoirs in contact
with water barriers.
t A lens-shaped nature of reservoirs on local highs and litho-
logical replacement over the basin's flanks of permeable clas-
tic varieties with impermeable ones (Yermolayev, Kotov and
Rogoshin, 1960; Kotov, 1963; Kucheruk and Ozerny, 1987).
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