Geology Reference
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t Volumetric estimates of the extent of dehydration (Burst,
1969. Rachinsky, 1973). They indicated high probability of
the formation by this mechanism of water volumes com-
mensurate with the volumes released at depositional com-
paction of clays in the process of their subsidence.
t Preservation of clay mineralogical outlook and trend of its
modification in the Mesozoic section in other areas of the
South Caspian Basin (Apsheron Peninsula, Kobystan, Lower
Kura Depression) supported by studies of mud volcanoes
blow out products (Aliyev and Akhmedov, 1968. Akhmedov,
Salayev and Ismailov, 1961).
t Omnipresence in the Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic sections
of mineralogically and compositionally identical super-alka-
line desalinated ground waters that could have only been
generated under specific geo-thermodynamical environ-
ment in the transformation zones of montmorillonite into
hydro-micas (Rachinsky, 1973. Burst, 1969. Fertl, 1972).
t Dominant development in the stratigraphically younger
section intervals in the region of formation water with con-
tinuously decreasing fraction in their composition of the
low-salinity super-alkaline component (Rachinsky, Vezirova
and Friedman, 1972. Rachinsky, 1973).
t Commonality in the region of vertical inter-formational
fluid migration (Anikeyev, 1964. Grigoriants, Muradian and
Guseinov, 1968. Rachinsky and Muradian, 1977. Rachinsky,
1989, 1990).
t Stratigraphic position of a number of mud volcano roots in
the Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic sediments (Akhmedov,
Salayev and Ismailov, 1961. Atlas of Azerbaijan Mud
Volcanoes, 1971) and broad development of the faults cut-
ting through the entire sedimentary section and providing
for the hydraulic communications between different section
The migrationŠ¾n effect of AHFP of the described generation requires
their preservation and continuous support in time; this is restricted by
the montmorillonite supply of the Jurassic-Valanginian clayey sequences.
This and active present-day subvertical inter-formational fluid migration
within the region (which clearly correlates with neotectonic manifesta-
tions - Rachinsky, 1990) determine the realization of a mechanism associ-
ated with the effect of recent tectogenesis on the elastically-closed reservoir
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