Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Steps of derivation of
cardiomyocyte from hESC
Challenges at each step
hESC line
hESC line characterization by expression
profiling and epigentic analysis .
Maintenance of karyotype stability.
Induction maturation
Selection of cardiomyocyte
Cell isolation & enrichment
Promotion of cell survival
Cell survival
Myocardial injection or transvascular
Cell delivery
Prevention of immune rejection
Fig. 7.1 hESC-derived cardiomyocytes from laboratory to bedside (© Jain PharmaBiotech)
Not only does it explain how stem cells differentiate to create the heart, but this
knowledge may be useful for designing strategies to repair heart muscle after a
heart attack. However, in order to identify the subsets of cells that would be the
most appropriate for treating a heart attack, one must figure out just how many dif-
ferent types of heart cell progenitors exist in the first place. Efforts are being made
to determine this by manipulating other genes in addition to CST. These findings
may be verified in an intermediary organism, such as a mouse model before search-
ing for genetic counterparts in humans.
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