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Figure 2.3 The Mg positions from snapshots of simulations with Mg initially placed
at the C-site position. Snapshots shown are for the initial C-site position (upper
left), the reactant state with C17:O2 0 protonated (upper right), the reactant state with
C17:O2 0 deprotonated (lower left), and the ETS mimic (lower right). The Mg position
in the LTS mimic is similar to the ETS mimic (not shown). The Mg ionmigrates from the
C-site to the position bridging the A9 and scissile phosphates (i.e., directly coordinated
with the A9:O2P and C1.1:O2P) in the transition state mimic simulations and in the reac-
tant state simulation with Mg initially placed at the C-site position and with C17:O2 0
deprotonated, but not in the reactant state simulation with C17:O2 0 protonated. The
distances shown are distances to Mg from A9:O2P, C1.1:O2P, and G10.1:N7.
and ETS-C) and in the reactant state simulation where the nucleophilic O2 0
has been deprotonated (dRT-C). However, in the parent reactant state sys-
tem (RT-C), where C17:O2 0 is protonated, the divalent metal ion stays in
the C-site in the course of the 12 ns MD simulation. The Mg 2 þ ion directly
coordinates to A9:O2P with a distance less than 2.5 ˚
for all simulations
(data not shown).
2.4.2 Mg binding and migration in the reactant state
In the reactant simulations with Mg 2 þ at the bridging position (RT-B), the
Mg 2 þ coordination between the C1.1 and A9 phosphate oxygens fluctuates
between axial-axial and axial-equatorial modes, resulting in a shorter
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