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4. N. Blum, “On the Single-Operation Worst-Case Time Complexity of the
Disjoint Set Union Problem,” SIAM Journal on Computing 15 (1986),
5. B. Bollobas and I. Simon, “Probabilistic Analysis of Disjoint Set Union
Algorithms,” SIAM Journal on Computing 22 (1993), 1053-1086.
6. J. Doyle and R. L. Rivest, “Linear Expected Time of a Simple Union Find
Algorithm,” Information Processing Letters 5 (1976), 146-148.
7. H. N. Gabow and R. E. Tarjan, “A Linear-Time Algorithm for a Special
Case of Disjoint Set Union,” Journal of Computer and System Sciences
30 (1985), 209-221.
8. B. A. Galler and M. J. Fischer, “An Improved Equivalence Algorithm,”
Communications of the ACM 7 (1964), 301-303.
9. J. E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman, “Set Merging Algorithms,” SIAM Jour-
nal on Computing 2 (1973), 294-303.
10. D. E. Knuth and A. Schonage, “The Expected Linearity of a Simple
Equivalence Algorithm,” Theoretical Computer Science
11. J. B. Kruskal, Jr., “On the Shortest Spanning Subtree of a Graph and the
Traveling Salesman Problem,” Proceedings of the American Mathemati-
cal Society 7 (1956), 48-50.
12. R. C. Prim, “Shortest Connection Networks and Some Generalizations,”
Bell System Technical Journal 36 (1957), 1389-1401.
13. R. E. Tarjan, “Efficiency of a Good but Not Linear Set Union Algorithm,”
Journal of the ACM 22 (1975), 215-225.
14. R. E. Tarjan, “A Class of Algorithms Which Require Nonlinear Time to
Maintain Disjoint Sets,” Journal of Computer and System Sciences 18
(1979), 110-127.
15. R. E. Tarjan, “Applications of Path Compression on Balanced Trees,”
Journal of the ACM 26 (1979), 690-715.
16. R. E. Tarjan and J. van Leeuwen, “Worst Case Analysis of Set Union
Algorithms,” Journal of the ACM 31 (1984), 245-281.
A. C. Yao, “On the Average Behavior of Set Merging Algorithms,” Pro-
ceedings of the Eighth Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Compu-
tation (1976), 192-195.
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