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figure 24.10
After the recursive call
from D returns, we
merge the set
anchored by D into
the set anchored by
C and then compute
all NCA( C, v ) for
nodes v marked prior
to completing C 's
recursive call.
changed from D to C . The new situation is shown in Figure 24.10. Thus we
need to merge the two equivalence classes into one. At any point, we can
obtain the anchor for a vertex v by a call to a disjoint set find . Because find
returns a set number, we use an array anchor to store the anchor node corre-
sponding to a particular set.
A pseudocode implementation of the NCA algorithm is shown in
Figure 24.11. As mentioned earlier in the chapter, the find operation gener-
ally is based on the assumption that elements of the set are 0, 1, , so
we store a preorder number in each tree node in a preprocessing step that
computes the size of the tree. An object-oriented approach might attempt to
incorporate a mapping into the find , but we do not do so. We also assume that
we have an array of lists in which to store the NCA requests; that is, list i
stores the requests for tree node i . With those details taken care of, the code is
remarkably short.
When a node u is first visited, it becomes the anchor of itself, as in line 18
of Figure 24.11. It then recursively processes its children v by making the call
at line 23. After each recursive call returns, the subtree is combined into u 's
current equivalence class and we ensure that the anchor is updated at lines 24
and 25. When all the children have been processed recursively, we can mark u
as processed at line 29 and finish by checking all NCA requests involving u at
lines 30 to 33. 2
The pseudocode is
N 1,
2. Strictly speaking, u should be marked at the last statement, but marking it earlier handles the
annoying request NCA( u , u ).
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