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versus an unsuccessful search is unusual in that, if , the successful search
is more expensive than the unsuccessful search. This condition makes sense,
however, because many unsuccessful searches encounter an empty linked list.
A typical load factor is 1.0; a lower load factor does not significantly
enhance performance, but it costs extra space. The appeal of separate chaining
hashing is that performance is not affected by a moderately increasing load
factor; thus rehashing can be avoided. For languages that do not allow
dynamic array expansion, this consideration is significant. Furthermore, the
expected number of probes for a search is less than in quadratic probing, par-
ticularly for unsuccessful searches.
We can implement separate chaining hashing by using our existing linked
list classes. However, because the header node adds space overhead and is not
really needed, if space were at a premium we could elect not to reuse compo-
nents and instead implement a simple stacklike list. The coding effort turns
out to be remarkably light. Also, the space overhead is essentially one refer-
ence per node, plus an additional reference per list; for example, when the
load factor is 1.0, it is two references per item. This feature could be impor-
tant in other programming languages if the size of an item is large. In that
case, we have the same trade-offs as with the array and linked list implemen-
tations of stacks. The Java Collections API uses seperate chaining hashing,
with a default load factor of 0.75.
To illustrate the complexity (or rather, the relative lack of complexity) of
the separate chaining hash table, Figure 20.20 provides a short sketch of the
basic implementation of separate chaining hash tables. It avoids issues such as
rehashing, and does not implement remove and does not even keep track of the
current size. Nonetheless, it shows the basic logic of add and contains , both of
which use the hash code to select an appropriate singly-linked list.
For separate chain-
ing hashing, a rea-
sonable load factor
is 1.0. A lower load
factor does not sig-
nificantly improve
performance; a
moderately higher
load factor is
acceptable and can
save space.
hash tables versus
binary search trees
We can also use binary search trees to implement insert and find operations.
Although the resulting average time bounds are O (log N ), binary search trees
also support routines that require order and thus are more powerful. Using a
hash table, we cannot efficiently find the minimum element or extend the table
to allow computation of an order statistic. We cannot search efficiently for a
string unless the exact string is known. A binary search tree could quickly find
all items in a certain range, but this capability is not supported by a hash table.
Furthermore, the O (log N ) bound is not necessarily that much more than O (1),
especially since no multiplications or divisions are required by search trees.
Use a hash table
instead of a binary
search tree if you
do not need order
statistics and are
worried about non-
random inputs.
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