Java Reference
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If quadratic probing is used and the table size is prime, then a new element can
always be inserted if the table is at least half empty. Furthermore, in the course of the
insertion, no cell is probed twice.
Theorem 20.4
Let M be the size of the table. Assume that M is an odd prime greater than 3. We
show that the first
M 2⁄ H 2
alternative locations (including the original) are distinct.
Two of these locations are
mod M
H 2
mod M
, where
0 ≤ i , j ≤⎣ M /2⎦
. Suppose, for the sake of contradiction, that these two locations are
the same but that
. Then
H 2 + H 2 mod M
i 2
j 2
mod M
i 2
j 2
0 mod M
0 mod M
Because M is prime, it follows that either or is divisible by M . As i and j are
distinct and their sum is smaller than M , neither of these possibilities can occur. Thus
we obtain a contradiction. It follows that the first alternatives (including the
original location) are all distinct and guarantee that an insertion must succeed if the
table is at least half empty.
i - ij
M 2
routine that generates prime numbers, using the algorithm shown in Figure 9.8
(a more complex algorithm is not warranted).
If the table is even 1 more than half full, the insertion could fail (although fail-
ure is extremely unlikely). If we keep the table size prime and the load factor
below 0.5, we have a guarantee of success for the insertion. If the table size is not
prime, the number of alternative locations can be severely reduced. For example,
1 /**
2 * Method to find a prime number at least as large as n.
3 * @param n the starting number (must be positive).
4 * @return a prime number larger than or equal to n.
5 */
6 private static int nextPrime( int n )
7 {
8 if( n % 2 == 0 )
9 n++;
11 for( ; !isPrime( n ); n += 2 )
12 ;
14 return n;
15 }
figure 20.8
A routine used in
quadratic probing to
find a prime greater
than or equal to N
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