Java Reference
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when the remove method is implemented, the special case is handled auto-
The complicated case deals with a node having two children. The general
strategy is to replace the item in this node with the smallest item in the right
subtree (which is easily found, as mentioned earlier) and then remove that
node (which is now logically empty). The second remove is easy to do
because, as just indicated, the minimum node in a tree does not have a left
child. Figure 19.4 shows an initial tree and the result of removing node 2. We
replace the node with the smallest node (3) in its right subtree and then
remove 3 from the right subtree. Note that in all cases removing a node does
not make the tree deeper. 1 Many alternatives do make the tree deeper; thus
these alternatives are poor options.
A node with two
children is replaced
by using the small-
est item in the right
subtree. Then
another node is
19.1.2 java implementation
In principle, the binary search tree is easy to implement. To keep the Java fea-
tures from clogging up the code, we introduce a few simplifications. First,
Figure 19.5 shows the BinaryNode class. In the new BinaryNode class, we make
everything package-visible. More typically, BinaryNode would be a nested
class. The BinaryNode class contains the usual list of data members (the item
and two links).
The BinarySearchTree class skeleton is shown in Figure 19.6. The only
data member is the reference to the root of the tree, root . If the tree is empty,
root is null .
The public BinarySearchTree class methods have implementations that call
the hidden methods. The constructor, declared at line 21, merely sets root to
null . The publicly visible methods are listed at lines 24-39.
The root
references at the
root of the tree,
which is null if the
tree is empty.
The public class
functions call
hidden private
figure 19.4
Deletion of node 2
with two children:
(a) before and
(b) after
1. The deletion can, however, increase the average node depth if a shallow node is removed.
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