Java Reference
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binary search trees
F or large amounts of input, the linear access time of linked lists is prohib-
itive. In this chapter we look at an alternative to the linked list: the binary
search tree, a simple data structure that can be viewed as extending the binary
search algorithm to allow insertions and deletions. The running time for most
operations is O (log N ) on average. Unfortunately, the worst-case time is O ( N )
per operation.
In this chapter, we show
The basic binary search tree
A method for adding order statistics (i.e., the findKth operation)
Three different ways to eliminate the O ( N ) worst case (namely, the
AVL tree, red-black tree, and AA-tree )
Implementation of the Collections API TreeSet and TreeMap
Use of the B-tree to search a large database quickly
basic ideas
In the general case, we search for an item (or element) by using its key . For
instance, a student transcript could be searched on the basis of a student ID
number. In this case, the ID number is referred to as the item's key.
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