Java Reference
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Write a method that lists all files in a directory (including its subdi-
rectories) that are larger than a specified size.
Write a method that lists all files in a directory (including its subdi-
rectories) that were modified today.
Write a method that lists all empty directories contained in a specified
directory (including its subdirectories).
Write a method that returns the complete name of the largest file con-
tained in a specified directory (including its subdirectories).
Implement the du command.
Write a program that lists all files in a directory (and its subdirecto-
ries), much like the Unix ls command or the Windows dir command.
Note that when a directory is encountered, we do not immediately
print its contents recursively. Rather, as we scan each directory, place
any subdirectories in a List . After the directory entries are printed,
then process each subdirectory recursively. For each file that is listed,
include the modification time, the file size, and if it is a directory,
have your output say so. For each directory, print the complete direc-
tory name prior to printing its contents.
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