Java Reference
In-Depth Information
depth of a node The length of the path from the root to a node in a tree. (652)
first child /next sibling method A general tree implementation in which each
node keeps two links per item: one to the leftmost child (if it is not a leaf )
and one to its right sibling (if it is not the rightmost sibling). (653)
height of a node The length of the path from a node to the deepest leaf in a
tree. (652)
inorder traversal The current node is processed between recursive calls. (667)
leaf A tree node that has no children. (652)
level-order traversal Nodes are visited top to bottom, left to right. Level-order
traversal is implemented by using a queue. The traversal is breadth first.
parent and child Parents and children are naturally defined. A directed edge
connects the parent to the child. (652)
postorder tree traversal Work at a node is performed after its children are
evaluated. The traversal takes constant time per node. (656)
preorder tree traversal Work at a node is performed before its children are
processed. The traversal takes constant time per node. (656)
proper ancestor and proper descendant On a path from node u to node v, if
, then u is a proper ancestor of v and v is a proper descendant of u . (653)
siblings Nodes with the same parents. (653)
size of a node The number of descendants a node has (including the node
itself ). (653)
tree Defined nonrecursively, a set of nodes and the directed edges that connect
them. Defined recursively, a tree is either empty or consists of a root and
zero or more subtrees. (652)
common errors
Allowing a node to be in two trees simultaneously is generally a bad idea
because changes to a subtree may inadvertently cause changes in multiple
Failing to check for empty trees is a common error. If this failure is part of
a recursive algorithm, the program will likely crash.
A common error when working with trees is thinking iteratively instead
of recursively. Design algorithms recursively first. Then convert them to
iterative algorithms, if appropriate.
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