Java Reference
In-Depth Information
1 /**
2 * Get the most recently inserted item in the stack.
3 * Does not alter the stack.
4 * @return the most recently inserted item in the stack.
5 * @throws UnderflowException if the stack is empty.
6 */
7 public AnyType top( )
8 {
9 if( isEmpty( ) )
10 throw new UnderflowException( "ListStack top" );
11 return topOfStack.element;
12 }
14 /**
15 * Return and remove the most recently inserted item
16 * from the stack.
17 * @return the most recently inserted item in the stack.
18 * @throws UnderflowException if the stack is empty.
19 */
20 public AnyType topAndPop( )
21 {
22 if( isEmpty( ) )
23 throw new UnderflowException( "ListStack topAndPop" );
25 AnyType topItem = topOfStack.element;
26 topOfStack =;
27 return topItem;
28 }
figure 16.21
The top and topAndPop
routines for the
ListStack class
Finally, top and topAndPop are straightforward routines and are imple-
mented as shown in Figure 16.21.
A linked list in which
we maintain a refer-
ence to the first and
last item can be
used to implement
the queue in con-
stant time per
16.2.2 queues
The queue can be implemented by a linked list, provided we keep references
to both the front and back of the list. Figure 16.22 shows the general idea.
figure 16.22
Linked list
implementation of the
queue class
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