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figure 14.38
Worst-case running
times of various graph
Type of Graph Problem
Running Time
O ()
Breadth-first search
Weighted, no negative edges
Dijkstra's algorithm
Weighted, negative edges
Bellman-Ford algorithm
Weighted, acyclic
O ()
Uses topological sort
sparse, so choosing appropriate data structures to implement them is
For unweighted graphs, the shortest path can be computed in linear
time, using breadth-first search. For positive-weighted graphs, slightly more
time is needed, using Dijkstra's algorithm and an efficient priority queue.
For negative-weighted graphs, the problem becomes more difficult. Finally,
for acyclic graphs, the running time reverts to linear time with the aid of a
topological sort.
Figure 14.38 summarizes those characteristics for these algorithms.
key concepts
activity-node graph A graph of vertices as activities and edges as precedence
relationships. (560)
adjacency lists An array of lists used to represent a graph, using linear space.
adjacency matrix A matrix representation of a graph that uses quadratic space.
adjacent vertices Vertex w is adjacent to vertex v if there is an edge from v to
w . (528)
Bellman-Ford algorithm An algorithm that is used to solve the negative-
weighted, shortest-path problem. (553)
breadth-first search A search procedure that processes vertices in layers:
Those closest to the start are evaluated first, and those most distant are
evaluated last. (542)
critical-path analysis A form of analysis used to schedule tasks associated with
a project. (560)
cycle In a directed graph, a path that begins and ends at the same vertex and
contains at least one edge. (529)
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