Java Reference
In-Depth Information
1 /**
2 * Get the next opening or closing symbol.
3 * Return false if end of file.
4 * Skip past comments and character and string constants
5 */
6 public char getNextOpenClose( )
7 {
8 while( nextChar( ) )
9 {
10 if( ch == '/' )
11 processSlash( );
12 else if( ch == '\'' || ch == '”' )
13 skipQuote( ch );
14 else if( ch == '(' || ch == '[' || ch == '{' ||
15 ch == ')' || ch == ']' || ch == '}' )
16 return ch;
17 }
18 return '\0'; // End of file
19 }
21 /**
22 * After the opening slash is seen deal with next character.
23 * If it is a comment starter, process it; otherwise putback
24 * the next character if it is not a newline.
25 */
26 private void processSlash( )
27 {
28 if( nextChar( ) )
29 {
30 if( ch == '*' )
31 {
32 // Javadoc comment
33 if( nextChar( ) && ch != '*' )
34 putBackChar( );
35 skipComment( SLASH_STAR );
36 }
37 else if( ch == '/' )
38 skipComment( SLASH_SLASH );
39 else if( ch != '\n' )
40 putBackChar( );
41 }
42 }
figure 11.7
The getNextOpenClose
routine for skipping
comments and quotes
and returning the next
opening or closing
character, along with
the processSlash
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