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the effect of the assignment statement is to swap the two items a[j] and
a[j-1] . (We avoid the actual excessive swapping by using the temporary vari-
able, but nonetheless it is an abstract swap.) Swapping two elements that are
out of place removes exactly one inversion, and a sorted array has no inver-
sions. Thus, if there are I inversions at the start of the algorithm, we must have
I implicit swaps. As O ( N ) other work is involved in the algorithm, the running
time of the insertion sort is O ( I + N ) , where I is the number of inversions in
the original array. Thus the insertion sort runs in linear time if the number of
inversions is O ( N ).
We can compute precise bounds on the average running time of the inser-
tion sort by computing the average number of inversions in an array. However,
defining average is difficult. We can assume that there are no duplicate ele-
ments (if we allow duplicates, it is not even clear what the average number of
duplicates is). We can also assume that the input is some arrangement of the
first N integers (as only relative ordering is important); these arrangements are
called permutations . We can further assume that all these permutations are
equally likely. Under these assumptions we can establish Theorem 8.1.
Theorem 8.1
The average number of inversions in an array of
distinct numbers is
N N 1
For any array of numbers, consider , which is the array in reverse order. For
example, the reverse of array 1, 5, 4, 2, 6, 3 is 3, 6, 2, 4, 5, 1. Consider any two num-
bers in the array, with . In exactly one of and , this ordered pair rep-
resents an inversion. The total number of these pairs in an array A and its reverse
A r
A r
A r
NN 1
. Thus an average array has half this amount, or
NN 1
Theorem 8.1 implies that insertion sort is quadratic on average. It also can be
used to provide a very strong lower bound about any algorithm that exchanges
adjacent elements only. This lower bound is expressed as Theorem 8.2.
Any algorithm that sorts by exchanging adjacent elements requires
Ω N 2
time on
Theorem 8.2
The average number of inversions is initially
NN 1
. Each swap removes only
one inversion, so
Ω N 2
swaps are required.
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