Java Reference
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A median heap supports the following operations: insert , findKth ,
and removeKth . The last two find and remove, respectively, the K th
smallest element (where k is a parameter). The simplest implementa-
tion maintains the data in sorted order. Do the following:
Describe the algorithms that can be used to support median heap
What is the Big-Oh running time for each of the basic operations
using these algorithms?
Write an implementation that uses these algorithms.
A MultiSet is like a Set , but allows duplicates. Consider the following
interface for a MultiSet :
public interface MultiSet<AnyType>
void add( AnyType x );
boolean contains( AnyType x );
int count( AnyType x );
boolean removeOne( AnyType x );
boolean removeAll( AnyType x );
void toArray( AnyType [] arr );
There are many ways to implement the MultiSet interface. A TreeMultiSet
stores items in sorted order. The data representation can be a TreeMap , in
which the key is an item that is in the multiset, and the value represents
the number of times the item is stored. Implement the TreeMultiSet , and
make sure toString is provided.
Write a program that reads strings from input and outputs them sorted,
by length, shortest string first. If a subset of input strings has the same
length, your program should output them in alphabetical order.
Collections.fill takes a List and a value , and places value in all posi-
tions in the list. Implement fill .
Collections.reverse takes a List and reverses its contents. Implement
reverse .
Write a method that removes every other element in a List . Your rou-
tine should run in linear time and use constant extra space if the List
is a LinkedList .
Write a method that takes a Map<String,String> as a parameter and
returns a new Map<String,String> in which keys and values are
swapped. Throw an exception if there are duplicate values in the map
that is passed as a parameter.
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