Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public abstract class AbstractCollection<AnyType>
implements Collection<AnyType>
public boolean removeAll ( Collection<? extends AnyType> c )
Iterator<AnyType> itr = this.iterator( );
boolean wasChanged = false;
while( itr.hasNext( ) )
if( c.contains( ) ) )
itr.remove( );
wasChanged = true;
return wasChanged;
Suppose LinkedList extends AbtractCollection and does not over-
ride removeAll . What is the running time of removeAll when c is a
List ?
Suppose LinkedList extends AbstractCollection and does not over-
ride removeAll . What is the running time of removeAll when c is a
TreeSet ?
Suppose ArrayList extends AbstractCollection and does not over-
ride removeAll . What is the running time of removeAll when c is a
List ?
Suppose ArrayList extends AbstractCollection and does not over-
ride removeAll . What is the running time of removeAll when c is a
TreeSet ?
What is the result of calling c.removeAll(c) using the implemen-
tation above?
Explain how to add code so that a call such as c.removeAll(c)
clears the collection.
Write a test program to see which of the following calls successfully
clears a java LinkedList .
c.removeAll( c );
c.removeAll( c.subList ( 0, c.size( ) );
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