Java Reference
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doing so is extra space. The most common place where using the array would
be useful is when the collection is being accessed several times or via nested
loops. If the array is being accessed only once, sequentially, it is unlikely that
using toArray will make things faster; it can make things slower while also
costing extra space.
One version of toArray returns the array in a type that is Object[] . The
other version allows the user to specify the exact type of the array by passing a
parameter containing the array (thus avoiding the costs of casting during the
subsequent manipulation). If the array is not large enough, a sufficiently large
array is returned instead; however, this should never be needed. The following
snippet shows how to obtain an array from a Collection<String> coll :
String [ ] theStrings = new String[ coll.size( ) ];
coll.toArray( theStrings );
At this point, the array can be manipulated via normal array indexing. The
one-parameter version of toArray is generally the one that you would want to
use because the runtime costs of casting are avoided.
Finally, the iterator method returns an Iterator<AnyType> , which can be
used to traverse the collection.
Figure 6.9 illustrates a specification of the Collection interface. The
actual Collection interface in java.util contains some additional methods,
but we will be content with this subset. By convention, all implementations
supply both a zero-parameter constructor that creates an empty collection
and a constructor that creates a collection that refers to the same elements as
another collection. This is basically a shallow-copy of a collection. How-
ever, there is no syntax in the language that forces the implementation of
these constructors.
The Collection interface extends Iterable , which means that the enhanced
for loop can be applied to it. Recall that the Iterable interface requires the
implementation of an iterator method that returns a java.util.Iterator . The
compiler will expand the enhanced for loop with appropriate calls to methods
in java.util.Iterator . At line 41, we see the iterator method required by the
Iterable interface. However, we remark that we are taking advantage of cova-
riant return types (Section 4.1.11), because the return type for the iterator
method at line 41 is actually weiss.util.Iterator , which is our own class that
extends java.util.Iterator , and is shown in Section 6.3.2.
The Collections API also codifies the notion of an optional interface
method . For instance, suppose we want an immutable collection: Once it is
constructed, its state should never change. An immutable collection appears
incompatible with Collection , since add and remove do not make sense for
immutable collections.
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