Java Reference
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// Version 2
public boolean hasTwoTrueValues( boolean [ ] arr )
for( int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ )
for( int j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++ )
if( arr[ i ] && arr[ j ] )
return true;
return false;
// Version 3
public boolean hasTwoTrueValues( boolean [ ] arr )
for( int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ )
if( arr[ i ] )
for( int j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++ )
if( arr[ j ] )
return true;
return false;
Give an efficient algorithm to determine whether an integer i exists
such that in an array of increasing integers. What is the run-
ning time of your algorithm?
A i
A prime number has no factors besides 1 and itself. Do the following:
Write a program to determine if a positive integer N is prime. In
terms of N , what is the worst-case running time of your program?
Let B equal the number of bits in the binary representation of N .
What is the value of B ?
In terms of B , what is the worst-case running time of your program?
Compare the running times to determine if a 20-bit number and a
40-bit number are prime.
An important problem in numerical analysis is to find a solution to the
equation for some arbitrary F . If the function is continuous
and has two points low and high such that and have
opposite signs, then a root must exist between low and high and can be
found by either a binary search or an interpolation search. Write a func-
tion that takes as parameters F , low , and high and solves for a zero.
What must you do to ensure termination?
F ( )
F low
F high
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