Java Reference
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Implement a tax payer hierarchy that consists of a TaxPayer inter-
face and the classes SinglePayer and MarriedPayer that implement the
Implement a gzip and gunzip program that performs compression and
uncompression of files.
A book consists of an author, title, and ISBN number (all of which
can never change once the topic is created).
A library book is a book that also contains a due date and the current
holder of the topic, which is either a String representing a person who
has checked the topic out or null if the topic is currently not checked
out. Both the due date and holder of the topic can change over time.
A library contains library topics and supports the following
Add a library book to the library.
Check out a library book by specifying its ISBN number and
new holder and the due date.
Determine the current holder of a library book given its ISBN
Write two interfaces: Book and LibraryBook that abstract the func-
tionality described above.
Write a library class that includes the three methods specified. In
implementing the Library class, you should maintain the library
books in an ArrayList . You may assume that there are never any
requests to add duplicate books.
A set of classes is used to handle the different ticket types for a the-
ater. All tickets have a unique serial number that is assigned when the
ticket is constructed and a price. There are many types of tickets.
Design a class hierarchy that encompasses the above three classes.
Implement the Ticket abstract class. This class should store a serial
number as its private data. Provide an appropriate abstract method to
get the price of the ticket, provide a method that returns the serial
number, and provide an implementation of toString that prints the
serial number and price information. The Ticket class must provide a
constructor to initialize the serial number. To do so, use the following
strategy: maintain a static ArrayList<Integer> representing previously
assigned serial numbers. Repeatedly generate a new serial number
using a random number generator until you obtain a serial number
not already assigned.
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