Java Reference
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interface A special kind of abstract class that contains no implementation
details. (134)
IS-A relationship A relationship in which the derived class is a (variation of
the) base class. (117)
leaf class A final class. (120)
local class A class inside a method, declared with no visibility modifier. (161)
multiple inheritance The process of deriving a class from several base classes.
Multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java. However, the alternative, mul-
tiple interfaces, is allowed. (131)
nested class A class inside a class, declared with the static modifier. (161)
partial overriding The act of augmenting a base class method to perform addi-
tional, but not entirely different, tasks. (121)
polymorphism The ability of a reference variable to reference objects of sev-
eral different types. When operations are applied to the variable, the oper-
ation that is appropriate to the actual referenced object is automatically
selected. (116)
protected class member Accessible by the derived class and classes in the
same package. (118)
raw class A class with the generic type parameters removed. (154)
static binding The decision on which class's version of a method to use is made
at compile time. Is only used for static, final, or private methods. (120)
static overloading The first step for deducing the method that will be used. In
this step, the static types of the parameters are used to deduce the signature
of the method that will be invoked. Static overloading is always used.
subclass/superclass relationships If X IS-A Y , then X is a subclass of Y and Y
is a superclass of X . These relationships are transitive. (117)
super constructor call A call to the base class constructor. (119)
super object An object used in partial overriding to apply a base class method.
type bounds Specifies properties that type parameters must satisfy. (152)
type erasure The process by which generic classes are rewritten as nongeneric
classes. (150)
type parameters The parameters enclosed in angle brackets <> in a generic
class or method declaration. (150)
unboxing Creating a primitive type from an instance of a wrapper class. In
Java 5, this is done automatically. (145)
wildcard types A ? as a type parameter; allows any type (possibly with
bounds). (152)
wrapper A class that is used to store another type, and add operations that the
primitive type either does not support or does not support correctly. (143)
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